Table of Contents

October 2016

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Restorative Digital Dentistry, Part 1: The Journey to New Paradigms

Gary Kaye, DDS, presents a 3-part series on restorative digital dentistry and the journey to far-reaching new paradigms of care, circa 2016.

Creating a More Youthful Appearance: Multidisciplinary Treatment Planning

Thomas E. Dudney, DMD, discusses how the restorative dentist can, through a coordinated multidisciplinary team approach, address patients’ desires to reverse the effects of aging.

NiTi Rotary Instrumentation: Achieving Its Full Potential

Dennis Brave, DDS, and Bradley Trattner, DDS, explore how to maximize the full potential of NiTi instruments through an understanding of the metallurgy and the motion used to power them.

Replacement of a Failing Composite Restoration: Pairing a Self-Etch Adhesive and Nanocomposite

Gregori M. Kurtzman, DDS, demonstrates how he efficiently replaced a defective filling using a modern composite resin system.

Anterior Fiber-Reinforced Fixed Partial Dentures Revisited
Javier Cremades, DDS; Vincenzo Giovane, DDS; and Cristian Abad-Coronel, DDS, MSF; talk about the latest application of fiber-reinforced polymers used to replace a single anterior tooth as an interim prosthesis and, in certain cases, as a longer-term solution.

Minimally Invasive Preps for Thin Porcelain Veneers
Ross W. Nash, DDS, shares a case involving minimal preparation for elective porcelain veneers.

Enhanced Diagnosis and Treatment Planning for Implants

Scott D. Ganz, DMD, shares a case report that emphasizes the importance of sound treatment planning to maximize clinical success.

Maxillo-Mandibular Atrophy: Success Through Interdisciplinary Planning
Richard Winter, DDS; Alan Kimmel, DDS, MS; and Peter Wagner, DDS; present a multidisciplinary case that demonstrates how they treated a patient with a severely atrophied mandible.

Treating Post-Orthodontic White Spots: A Conservative Resin Infiltration Technique

Sarah Winter, DMD, demonstrates how to treat post-orthodontic white spots with an innovative, minimally invasive technique.

Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block Revisited

James B. Brosnihan, DDS, provides an update on the inferior alveolar nerve block technique.

Management of Peri-implant Diseases

Amit Patel, BDS, MSc, presents characteristics of periodontitis, peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis, and discusses diagnostic indicators of peri-implant disease, supportive maintenance of healthy tissue, and more. This article is peer-reviewed and available for 2 hours of CE credit.

The Future of Pediatric Dentistry