Table of Contents

October 2019


Trends in All-Ceramic Material Options

Dr. Kenneth A. Malament candidly shares his professional expertise and candid perspectives related to all-ceramic dental material options.

Management of Retrograde Peri-implantitis: The Minimally Invasive Tunnel Approach

Dr. Jonathan Waasdorp demonstrates a minimally invasive approach to treat an active implant periapical lesion.

Improving Implant Survival by Implementing the Use of an Electric Toothbrush
Drs. Joseph Massad, Mahesh Verma, and Swati Ahuja cover the important topic of implant hygiene.

Modern Cavity Preparations

Dr. David Clark shares a clinical case and discusses prep design principles for modern composite restorations that have their roots in gold preparations.

Clinical Applications of Apex Locator Technology

Dr. Wyatt Simons discusses 3 clinical cases to illustrate various clinical uses of apex locator technology.

Missing Lateral Incisor Agenesis: Aesthetic Challenges With Cuspids in the Lateral Positions

Dr. George Kirtley describes the aesthetic challenges in treating adult patients who present with maxillary cuspids in the missing lateral incisors positions.

Transforming Direct Restorative and Cosmetic Dentistry

Dr. Brian Gray outlines the use of a recently introduced composite resin material that is making composite placement easier and faster.

Material Options for Class II Composite Restorations: Varied Clinical Parameters Require Different Techniques

Dr. Robert A. Lowe presents options for direct composite resin materials.

Leveraging the ABCs of Composites: Adhesion, Bulk-Filling, and Curing

Dr. Lori Trost presents a case report that introduces a clinical protocol that will help maximize efficiency in placing posterior composite resin restorations.

The Ethical Responsibilities of Dental Association

Focus On: Stay Connected With Your Patients and Community