Industry News

Oral Health Matters in Happy Relationships

In a perfect world, people would take care of their teeth because it’s the healthy thing to do. But sometimes, your patients may need a little more motivation. Delta Dental’s Adult Oral Health Survey results may help, revealing that 74% of US women and 68% of US men consider good oral health to be among their partners’ sexiest qualities. Also:

  • 70% of women and 65% of men won’t kiss someone they believe has poor oral health;
  • 67% of women and 60% of men would break off a relationship with someone because of poor oral hygiene;
  • 27% of women and 22% of men would break up with someone who doesn’t brush twice a day;
  • 40% of women and 20% of men would end a relationship with someone who uses their toothbrush;
  • 73% of men and 72% of women are attracted to people who smile often;
  • 72% of men say a beautiful smile is more important than oral hygiene, while 68% of women say oral hygiene is more important;
  • 25% of men who have untreated oral issues say they don’t have the time to go to the dentist to address them.

“Good oral health and a great smile can make a difference in relationships and in people’s overall lives,” said Jennifer Elliott, vice president of marketing for the Delta Dental Plans Association. “That’s why Delta Dental encourages regular oral healthcare for better health and overall wellbeing.”

When it comes to the different generations, 77% of younger baby boomers and 74% of younger generation Xers say oral health is among the sexiest qualities in a partner. Also, 72% of Northeasterners won’t kiss someone with poor oral health, followed by 69% of Southerners, 68% of those in the West, and 64% in the Midwest.

“Maintaining good oral health really comes down to the basics: brushing twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, floss, and see your dentist regularly,” said Bill Kohn, DDS, vice president of dental science and policy at the Delta Dental Plan Association. “Compared to finding a romantic connection, preventive oral healthcare is simple and painless.”

The Adult Oral Health Survey was conducted between December 16, 2015, and January 14, 2016, among 1,025 Americans age 18 and older.

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