OSAP Announces 18th Annual Dr. John S. Zapp Lecturer



The Organization for Safety, Asepsis, and Prevention (OSAP) announces its 18th annual Dr. John S. Zapp Lecturer, Rangina Hamidi, MA. Hamidi, an Afghan American writer, educator, social activist, and politician, is known for her tireless efforts to advocate for the rights of women, girls, and education in Afghanistan.


OSAP Announces 18th Annual Dr. John S. Zapp Lecturer

Hamidi, a professor of practice at Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University and Afghanistan’s former Minister of Education, was born in Kandahar, Afghanistan. She immigrated to Pakistan in 1981 and then to the United States seven years later. She returned to Afghanistan in 2003 and spent 20 years working to better the lives of Afghans. She is the founder of an all-women’s social enterprise, Kandahar Treasure, to assist women working within the cultural boundaries of Pashtunwali to earn a living and find a degree of self-determination in Kandahar.

The keynote, “How Education and Entrepreneurship Make a Global Impact,” will feature a talk show format with Hamidi and OSAP’s Executive Director, Michelle Lee. They will discuss Hamidi’s life and how her work inspires others to contribute to the development of programs for women and girls across the globe, ensuring that more women leaders serve as key decision-makers in areas such as global health and education.

“I am sure Rangina will move participants with her story and the many lives she has influenced. Her grit and determination are evident in everything she has done and plans to do. The more I learn about her, the more I am inspired,” shared Lee.

The 2023 OSAP Annual Conference is taking place in Tucson, AZ from June 1 -3, with a Pre-Conference Workshop on May 31, at The Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa.

The Dr. John S. Zapp Lecture will take place on Friday, June 2, from 8:30 AM through 9:30 AM.

For more information or to register, visit www.osapconference.org.

About OSAP

The Organization for Safety, Asepsis, and Prevention (OSAP) is the only dental membership association solely focused on infection prevention and patient safety education. Our members include individual clinicians, group practices, educators, researchers, consultants, trainers, compliance directors, policymakers, and industry representatives who advocate for safe and infection-free delivery of oral healthcare.

OSAP focuses on strategies to improve compliance with safe practices and on building a strong network of recognized infection control experts. OSAP offers an extensive online collection of resources, publications, FAQs, checklists, and toolkits that help dental professionals deliver the Safest Dental Visit possible for their patients. Plus, online and live courses help advance the level of knowledge and skill for every member of the dental team.

For additional information, visit www.osap.org.

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