Industry News

OSAP Foundation Appoints Andy Whitehead, Releases Annual Report

ANNAPOLIS, MD — MARCH 8, 2012 — The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) is pleased to announce that Andy Whitehead has joined its Foundation Board, and in this capacity, immediately help spearhead the organization’s first official annual report (attached).

“OSAP has been able to leverage limited resources into a list of accomplishments that is incredibly compelling,” Whitehead said. “I was anxious to let others know how OSAP integrates its core expertise into projects that are impactful and 110% supportive of its mission to help ensure the safe and infection-free delivery of oral healthcare.”

Whitehead is a former member of OSAP’s Association Board and served as Chairman from 2005-2007. He has also chaired the fundraising auction for the past several years, raising the proceeds from $2,000 in 1997, its first year, to six straight years of more than $100,000 contributed per year.
“Andy brings tremendous experience and knowledge to the Foundation,” said Don Marianos DDS MPH, Chairman of the OSAP Foundation Board of Directors. “With his expertise, the Foundation will be able to more fully support OSAP’s global vision of safe oral healthcare for people everywhere.”

Whitehead has more than 35 years of experience in the dental industry, working on both the distribution and manufacturing sides of the business and has been involved in infection control and safety throughout most of his career. He currently serves as Senior Vice President of Crosstex International.

About OSAP

The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention is the world’s leading membership association exclusively dedicated to preventing disease transmission and ensuring the safe delivery of oral healthcare for all. As a non-profit organization, OSAP helps dental practitioners close the gap between policy and practice. Its members include dental and other healthcare professionals, consultants, researchers and non-governmental organizations, manufacturing and distribution companies, policy makers and academia. For more information, visit