Industry News

Outstanding Contributions Donated To Dental Services

Patterson Dental And The Patterson Foundation Recognized
For Outstanding Contributions To Donated Dental Services

Patterson Dental and the Patterson Foundation have been honored with awards for significant contributions to Donated Dental Services (DDS), a program of Dental Lifeline Network. Patterson Companies President and Chief Executive Officer Scott Anderson and Patterson Dental President Paul Guggenheim accepted the awards at a reception celebrating the 25th anniversary of DDS during the recent American Dental Association Annual Session in Orlando.

Patterson Dental President Paul Guggenheim (second from left) and Patterson Companies President and CEO Scott Anderson (third from left) accepted awards to Patterson Dental and on behalf of the Patterson Foundation from Dental Lifeline Network Founder and Chief Executive Officer Larry Coffee (far left) and Dental Lifeline Network President Fred Leviton, both of Dental Lifeline Network, formerly the National Foundation of Dentistry for the Handicapped. The award was presented at a reception celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Donated Dental Services (DDS), a program of Dental Lifeline Network, at the American Dental Association 2010 Annual Session.

Guggenheim said, “We are humbled to be a longtime supporter of this organization and of the dentists whose heroic acts make such a great impact on people in need.”

Dental Lifeline Network, formerly known as the National Foundation of Dentistry for the Handicapped, is a charitable affiliate of the ADA. Presenting the awards were Founder and Chief Executive Officer Larry Coffee and President Fred Leviton. Through DDS and other programs, the organization provides comprehensive dental care to people who are disabled, elderly or medically at-risk and has a nationwide volunteer network of 15,000 dentists and 3,000 laboratories.

“Without the outstanding support of Patterson Dental and the Patterson Foundation, DDS could never have reached today’s milestone of providing dental therapies valued at $181 million to 100,000 people in 50 states,” Leviton noted. “Year after year, Patterson has aggressively supported and funded our national DDS program and helped us build new state programs. Patterson has been the leading supporter of DentaCheques – our major source of funds. Serving as a major DDS ally, the company has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars on its own and by marshalling support from others in the dental industry. In addition to its national support, many Patterson managers participate in the leadership of their state affiliate programs. We are profoundly grateful to Patterson for its partnership.”

In addition to serving vulnerable individuals who are disabled or elderly, Dental Lifeline Network has seen a rapidly increasing need for dental services among people who are medically at-risk. “Patterson’s contributions provide the resources to help address an increasing need for dental care among vulnerable people with medical conditions and dental disease,” Coffee said.

About Patterson Companies, Inc.
Patterson Companies, Inc. is a value-added distributor serving the dental, companion-pet, veterinarian and rehabilitation supply markets. As Patterson’s largest business, Patterson Dental provides a virtually complete range of consumable dental products, equipment and software, turnkey digital solutions and value-added services to dentists and dental laboratories throughout North America. Visit for more information.

About Patterson Foundation
The Patterson Foundation is a private grant-making foundation formed by Patterson executives several years ago; it receives most of its funds through the generosity of current and former employees of Patterson Companies, Inc. Resources are focused on human services and education programs related to oral health, animal health, and occupational and physical rehabilitation, especially programs in which healthcare professionals in these fields volunteer their services. Visit for more information.

Dental Lifeline Network
Dental Lifeline Network, a charitable affiliate of the ADA, has provided some $181 million in dental care to patients in all 50 states since it was founded more than 35 years ago. Its Donated Dental Services program – celebrating its 25th anniversary this year – coordinates the services of thousands of volunteer dentists and laboratories nationwide to provide comprehensive dental care to vulnerable patients in need of dental care. Visit