Search for: implant cases

How to Make Exquisite Cosmetic Dentures a Profitable Part of Your Practice

Full dentures are shunned by many practitioners. They are considered by many to be...

Doctor—Your Hygienist Needs a Digital X-ray System!

So, what do you do with that?” asked the new patient, whom I was...

New Directions in Endodontics: A Dentistry Today Exclusive Interview with Dr. Clifford J. Ruddle

Figure 1a. A preoperative film shows multidisciplinary treatment. The maxillary left first molar’s remaining...

Identalloy: Risk Management Tool and More

Most dentists take a great deal into consideration with every restoration they place. In...

Common Sense Dental Insurance Management

In past articles in Dentistry Today I have covered a common sense approach to...

Prevention: The Key to Successful Nonsurgical Periodontal Treatment

Periodontal disease is a pathologic process that affects the supporting soft tissue and bone...