Search for: dental

Clinical Applications of Appliance Therapy in the General Practice, Part 1 Interceptive Orthodontics in Children

Premature tooth loss, malopposed teeth, tipped molars, posterior bite collapse, and anterior flaring are...

The Future of Periodontal Diagnostic Testing

Traditionally, periodontal disease has been diagnosed by a radiographic and clinical examination including the...

Simplified Cosmetic Denture Fabrication Utilizing the Patient’s Old Denture

The following is a simplified method of constructing a new, improved denture for someone...

Making a Difference by Making Someone’s Smile

Today is an exciting and rewarding time to practice dentistry. Unlike ever before, patient...

No-Preparation Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a wonderful conservative modality for creating and restoring aesthetics in the...

Allergy and Toxic Reactions to Local Anesthetics

Local anesthesia (LA) forms the foundation of pain control techniques in dentistry. These drugs...

The Indisputable Missing Link: What’s Not in Your Computer Management System

Against an impressive backdrop of computer hardware and software designed to support virtually every...

Anterior Access Endodontics A Case Report

Conventional endodontic technique for anterior teeth utilizes a lingual access opening, but I have...

The Gentle Art of Periodontal Maintenance: A Protocol Using Essential Oils

The greatest of historic castles, monuments, palaces, and homes continue to exist because their...

Building Relationships Builds the Practice

When dentists think about practice building, many things come to mind, such as PR,...