Search for: restorative dentistry

A Conservative and Painless Approach to Anterior and Posterior Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry

A substantial number of people want a beautiful smile. Approximately 50% of the population...

Integrating Technologies for “High-Tech/No-Touch” Restorative Dentistry

Dentistry has always had a variety of cliche´s that define its direction and espouse...

The Role of Glass Ionomers in Minimally Invasive Restorative Dentistry

Dental caries is the result of an infection. An infectious disease requires a microbial...

Improving Visual Communications in Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry: Tips for Successfully Applying Digital Imaging in Your Practice

I have been a practicing dentist since 1979, specializing in aesthetic and re-storative dentistry,...

Ultrasonic Tips for Conservative Restorative Dentistry

The clinician’s responsibility is to conserve sound tooth structure whenever possible. The introduction of...

A New View for Restorative Dentistry: Endoscopic Intraoral Viewing System

The term endoscopy is derived from the Greek language and is literally translated as...

Transforming Direct Restorative and Cosmetic Dentistry

INTRODUCTION Since the advent of original resin-based composites developed in the 1960s, the ability...

Restorative Digital Dentistry, Part 3: Integration of Technology Into the Clinical Practice

This is the final article in a 3-part series. Part 1 was published in...

Restorative Digital Dentistry, Part 2: Choosing the Right Digital Dental Strategy

This is the second in a 3-part article series. Part 1 was published in...

Restorative Digital Dentistry, Part 1: The Journey to New Paradigms

Restorative digital dentistry (RDD) has changed the way dentistry is practiced today, as well...