Search for: patient services

The Incentive Bonus Plan: How to Avoid the Pitfalls and Enjoy the Rewards

Is an incentive bonus plan right for you? A new consulting client shared with...

The Lighter Side of “Bread-and-Butter Dentistry”

With all of the excitement in the media concerning cosmetic dental makeovers and “spa...

Extraction Site Bone Grafting in General Dentistry Review of Applications and Principles

General dentists in the United States perform an estimated 23 million extractions every year.1...

Electronic Scheduling: An Underutilized Software Feature

Contrary to a decade ago, you would be hard-pressed today to find a dental...

The Staff’s Role in the Sale of a Practice

How many times have I heard the retiring doctor say, “When I sell my...

Hepatitis C Virus and Dental Personnel

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a member of the flavivirus family and is...

Collection Correction: How to Turn Receivables into Cash

Despite all the hottest high-tech wizardry for which you’ve purged and splurged in the...

Exophytic Gingival Lesions Review of Clinical and Histologic Features, and 3 Case Reports

Exophytic gingival lesions represent some of the more frequently encountered lesions in the oral...

Managing Regulated Waste in Dental Environments

Dental offices are subject to a variety of federal, state, and local regulations concerning...

Compensation From All Angles

It’s staff review time again, and while you have been busy trying to understand...