Search for: Pennsylvania

Clinical Conditions and Lesions Mimicking Salivary Gland Disease, Part 1

Columbia University’s Salivary Gland Center (SGC) serves as a referral base for metropolitan New...

Microendodontic Ultrasonic Instruments

With the advent of the surgical operating microscope in endodontics in the 1990s came...

The Eleven Essentials of Effective Staff Meetings, Part 2: Getting it Together in the Name of Customer Service

his article is part 2 of a 3-part series that describes the Essentials of...

The Eleven Essentials of a Staff Meeting-Centered Dental Practice, Part 1

Twelve years ago, I returned from Peter Dawson’s “Top Ten Percent” course, a valuable...

The Functional and Aesthetic Indications for Soft- Tissue (Gingival) Grafting

The healthy soft tissue surrounding the natural dentition is composed of the gingiva and...

Lasers in Dentistry: An Overview

While still considered a new technology, the use of lasers in dentistry actually began...

Compensation From All Angles

It’s staff review time again, and while you have been busy trying to understand...

Dealing With Dental Malpractice, Part 2: Malpractice Prevention

The first step in malpractice prevention is to get a good malpractice carrier. This...

Hiring Practices—Not So Fast

Most dental practitioners are reasonably well versed about the possible pitfalls attendant to a...

Tooth Color Correction: First Things First

Well-rendered, resin-bonded, custom-fabricated porcelain veneers have proven to be invaluable for imperceptible restoration of...