Search for: pain therapy

Oral/Head and Neck Cancer

Oral and head and neck cancer (OHNC) is a term for a number of...

The Lighter Side of “Bread-and-Butter Dentistry”

With all of the excitement in the media concerning cosmetic dental makeovers and “spa...

Endodontic Treatment of Reimplanted Avulsed Teeth

The treatment of avulsed teeth has undergone many changes in the last 10 years....

Silver Cone Re-treatment, or How to Do the “Hallway Dance!”

Like many of my dental colleagues, I have occasionally done what I affectionately call...

Endodontic Diagnosis Mystery or Mastery?

Countless articles and recent endodontic textbooks have focused on the science and art of...

Exophytic Gingival Lesions Review of Clinical and Histologic Features, and 3 Case Reports

Exophytic gingival lesions represent some of the more frequently encountered lesions in the oral...

Attaining Excellence in Endodontics: “It’s the Rider, Not the Bike”

One of my favorite uncles used to describe how winning motocross races relied on...

Dealing With Dental Malpractice, Part 2: Malpractice Prevention

The first step in malpractice prevention is to get a good malpractice carrier. This...

Prerestorative Periodontal Plastic Surgery Creating the Gingival Framework for the Ideal Smile

It has been said that a beautiful painting or photograph is enhanced by the...

New Directions in Dentistry

For the first time in my career, my wife and I have had the...