Search for: dentist

27% of Dentists Say the Shutdown Should Last “As Long as It Takes”

So how long should we wait before we reopen the economy? According to an...

GC America Offers Programs to Support Dentists During the Pandemic

GC America is offering and promoting several programs to support members of the dental industry...

Autism: A Humanistic Approach to Dentistry

Bright lights nearly blind you. A jackhammer rumbles in the distance. And suddenly, you’re...

MDS Establishes Recovery Fund for Struggling Dentists

The Massachusetts Dental Society (MDS) Foundation is establishing a recovery fund to assist dentists across...

Dentistry on the COVID-19 Frontlines

I am the CEO of the largest dental services organization (DSO) in New York...

Kansas Asks Dentists to 3-D Print Nasal Swabs for COVID-19 Testing

Kansas health officials are asking dentists in the state who have SLA 3-D printers...

Teledentistry Company’s 3-D Printers Begin Producing PPE

To help fight the coronavirus pandemic, byte will use its 3-D specialty labs to make...

Your Teledentistry Game Plan. It’s More Than Just Software.

Lauren Powers, President of the Dental Business Unit of Microsite Health discusses what her...

Survey Reveals Optimistic Outlook for Cosmetic Dentistry

A recent survey of dental professionals conducted by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry...

Courage Versus Fear in Dentistry and Beyond

Due to the coronavirus panic early in March, my weekend plans for an anniversary...