Industry News

Partnership to Develop Prototype Antiviral Masks

Nobio Ltd and Supergum (1983) Ltd have announced an agreement to rapidly prototype and test an antiviral protective mask, combining Nobio’s antimicrobial technology and Supergum’s chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) breathing protection products. 

Nobio’s technology uses patented nanoparticles to transform common materials into antimicrobial materials indefinitely. Products for common dental procedures recently received US Food and Drug Administration clearance. 

Supergum is the leading supplier of CBRN solutions to the Israeli government and the Israel Defense Forces, according to the companies.

Under the agreement, the companies will collaborate to quickly prototype and test facemasks using Nobio’s technology to protect emergency workers, medical personnel, high-risk populations, and others against various pathogens including COVID-19. 

“The ongoing coronavirus crisis requires industry to take aggressive measures to help public health authorities defeat this pandemic and make these critical initiatives a priority,” Supergum CEO Ilan Gescheit and Nobio CEO Yoram Ashery said in a joint statement.

“Facemasks with active antiviral protection are urgently needed and, to our knowledge, are not yet available on the market,” they said.

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