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Penn Dental Launches Master of Oral Health Sciences Program

Building on its advanced degree options, Penn Dental Medicine has launched a new master’s program, introducing a Master of Oral Health Sciences (MOHS). The program has two unique tracks, one for college graduates and a second for graduates of dental schools outside the United States, both to prepare participants for successful admission to dental school.

“The MOHS program is specifically designed to provide interim training to those individuals who want to pursue dental school and improve their credentials to more effectively compete for dental school admissions,” said Dr. Esra Sahingur, associate dean of graduate studies and student research and the MOHS program director.

“The curriculum exposes candidates to dental school courses and provides exposure to patient care and research,” Sahingur said.

Candidates in both tracks rotate within the Penn Dental’s general restorative and specialty clinics. Coursework is adapted from the first and second years of the dental school curriculum, with the program culminating in a capstone project.

Along with enhancing academic knowledge in basic and clinical sciences and providing exposure to clinical dental care, Penn Dental said, the program helps to build communications skills and provides mentoring for the application process and admissions interviews.

The track for college graduates also offers guidance in preparing for the Dental Admission Test, while the track for foreign-trained dentists prepares candidates for the National Board Dental Exam and provides mentoring for the various aspects involved in pursuing a successful clinical career.

The MOHS program will welcome the first admissions cohort in July 2021. The MOHS for DMD/DDS candidates will accept up to four students, and MOHS for non-US trained dentists will accept up to 10 students each year.

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