Industry News

Pentron Strada Launches New Series of Patient Education Videos

ORANGE, CA – May 14, 2013 – Pentron, a leading manufacturer of high quality, value-based restorative products and technology for dentists, has debuted a new patient education video explaining post and core procedures in layperson’s terms. The video is housed on Pentron Strada (, an online tool with resources designed to help dentists educate staff and patients, and is the first in a series of patient education videos designed to help dentists explain common procedures through the use of easy-to-follow animation.

The new video from Pentron gives a step-by-step explanation of the procedure so that the patient knowswhat to expect. As with all features on Pentron Strada, the video is a freeresource and clinicians are invited to share it with their patients via monitor, laptop or tablet.

“We’re excited to once again step up to the plate and provide dentists with a tool they’ve been asking for,” said Adrienne Collins, Product Manager. “This animated post and core procedure video is a quick, easy and patient-friendly way for a dentist to supplement an introduction of an upcoming procedure. Pentron has been working to create deeper, more comprehensive relationships with the dental professionals we serve and provide unique solutions that can help build successful practices, such as this video series and our recently launched Pentron Strada site. We’ve been getting very positive feedback from the physicians we’ve previewed the video to, which is in itself very rewarding.”

Collins added that additional patient education videos will be made available intermittently throughout the year moving forward.