People Lack Knowledge About Link Between Oral Cancer, Sexual Health



People don’t know enough about the link between oral cancer and sexual health, according to various studies.

The general awareness about sexually transmitted infections has risen in recent years but most people still don’t know that the human papilloma virus can cause oral cancer. HPV is a common infection that may be spread through unprotected sex.

Research has shown that HPV may become a larger reason for people developing oral cancer in the years to come. It could even rival smoking as a risk factor for oral cancer. Oral cancer cases have increased dramatically and one of the reasons is the lack of awareness about sexual activity and its impact on oral health.

Recent data suggests that just one in four people could pinpoint HPV as a cause for oral cancer and about half of all people don’t know that HPV can be spread through sexual activity.

In the past, oral cancer was an issue for older people who smoked and drank. Now, however, younger people are being afflicted with oral cancer because of the exposure to HPV. If people are more knowledgeable about the value of contraception, then oral cancer numbers may head back down. That’s why awareness and knowledge are some of the keys for limiting diseases like oral cancer.