Industry News

Pillars of the Community

Three pillars of the New York dental community—Dr. Allen Finkelstein, Dr. Rada Sumareva, and George Wolfe, President of DMG America—were celebrated at a warm and lively cocktail reception at the elegant Harmonie Club in Manhattan. The event raised funds to create two new state-of-the-art post-graduate clinics at TAU’s Maurice and Gabriella Goldschleger School of Dental Medicine.

Honoring three pillars of the New York dental community — Dr. Allen Finkelstein, Dr. Rada Sumareva, and George Wolfe, President of DMG America.
George Wolfe, Dr. Ben Williamowsky, Dr. Rada Sumareva, Prof. Ilana Eli, and Dr. Allen Finkelstein
Dr. Allen Finkelstein, George Wolfe, Dr. Gail Schupak, Dr.Marc Rothman, Prof. Ilana Eli, Steven Kess, Dr. Ben Williamowsky, and Dr. Rada Sumareva

The Hon. Ido Aharoni, Consul General of Israel in New York, offered greetings, and special guest speaker Prof. Ilana Eli, Head of the School of Dental Medicine at TAU, spoke movingly about how the clinics will improve the treatment of special needs patients and provide advanced training for new generations of dental specialists. Campaign leaders Dr. Gail Schupak, Steven Kess, and Dr. Marc Rothman emphasized Alpha Omega’s role in the creation of TAU’s dental school and its current role in the new project to renovate the clinics.

Heartfelt comments were offered by one of the founders of the dental school, Dr. Ben Williamowsky, who warmly remembered his late friend, Dr. Ralph Rothstein. The clinics will be named for both men: The Rothstein-Williamowsky Post-Graduate Clinics. Stanley Bergman, Chairman & CEO of Henry Schein, Inc., offered congratulations via videotape message.

The camp supporting the new $2.7 million campaign will support a new Special Needs Clinic, which will welcome patients challenged by conditions like autism and epilepsy who have too often gone untreated. With AO’s help, student dentists will gain the advanced skills to care for them.

And at the Oral Rehabilitation Clinic, post-graduate dentists will advance technique and practice, learning to perform miracles undreamed of when Israel became a state.

The clinics will make a real difference for tens of thousands of children and adults. They will treat families throughout Tel Aviv — and train Israel’s next generations of specialists at the same time.

Read more about the campaign at