Industry News

Poor Financing Awareness Limits Treatment Acceptance

According to a recent CareCredit survey of consumers in the United States, 52.6% of respondents have delayed elective healthcare or dental treatment because of cost, yet 27.2% of them would have sought treatment sooner if they had been aware of healthcare financing options.

Furthermore, 43.7% said they were unaware that financing options exist for elective healthcare, including dental, and 44.7% said that if they had to undergo an elective treatment that costs more than $1,000, they would not be able to afford it.

“Consumers need to be aware of financing choices that are available for health-related expenses and to have proactive conversations with their providers to ensure they fully understand their payment options,” said Dave Fasoli, CEO of CareCredit.

“Most individuals and their families may not feel prepared for an unexpected medical, dental, or veterinary expense, and healthcare financing can help enable access to care,” Fasoli said.

Conducted by Google Consumer Surveys, the study was based on 1,062 online responses of consumers in the United States collected between February 4 and February 8, 2016.

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