P&R Dental Strategies Data Used in Pediatric Bitewing and Radiographs Study

p&r dental strategies


p&r dental strategies

P&R Dental Strategies, LLC (P&R), the premier dental insights company delivering customized, actionable business intelligence and claim review services to support a variety of dental industry stakeholders, has announced its co-authorship and contribution of de-identified, fee-for-service dental insurance claims data for a recently published study that investigates prescription patterns for bitewing and panoramic radiographs for pediatric and adolescent dental patients.

The study is titled: “Prescription of bite-wing and panoramic radiographs in pediatric dental patients: An assessment of current trends and provider compliance,” by Noah H. Menaker, DDS, et al. The study was published online by The Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA) in October 2021 (https://jada.ada.org/article/S0002-8177(21)00416-5/fulltext) and appears in its January 2022 print issue (Vol 153, Iss 1) (jada.ada.org).

The study reviewed over six years of commercial dental insurance paid claims data from DentaBase, P&R Dental Strategies’ dental claims data warehouse, for patients 18 years and younger, extracting a 5% random sample population from approximately 156 million claims. The data set was de-identified in compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines.

As a result of the data partnership with P&R Dental Strategies, Dr. Noah H. Menaker, MSD candidate, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Indiana University, and the study’s other authors, found that pediatric dentists were more likely to comply with the guidelines on radiograph prescriptions for pediatric and adolescent patients than general practitioners.

Dr. Menaker commented: “This is the seventh published article resulting from the research data partnership between P&R Dental Strategies and Indiana University. The size and breadth of P&R’s source of dental claims data is unmatched, providing our researchers with the ability to explore any number of critical topics in pediatric dentistry. This study found that pediatric dentists were more likely to comply with the guidelines on radiograph prescriptions for pediatric and adolescent patients than general practitioners, a result that the pediatric dental community will be very interested in.”

Paul T. Sheils, CEO of P&R Dental Strategies, said: “P&R Dental Strategies is proud to announce yet another peer-reviewed journal publication from Dr. Menaker and his colleagues at the Indiana University School of Dentistry. We are extremely proud that our multi-payer DentaBase claims database continues to be a source for multiple important research studies and new insights in the field of pediatric dentistry.”

Tim Downey, Chief Analytics Officer of P&R Dental Strategies and co-author of the study, added: “Access to a dataset this large is incredibly valuable for researchers. A comprehensive data source like DentaBase was required for a research study of this scale to be successful. We look forward to continued collaboration with Dr. Menaker and the team of researchers at the Indiana School of Dentistry in the future.”

For more information on P&R Dental Strategies and our multi-payer database, DentaBase, visit www.pandrdental.com

For business inquiries, please contact P&R Dental Strategies Business Development at +1.856.986.6216 or email insights@PandRDental.co

About P&R Dental Strategies, LLC

The company is the premiere dental insights company delivering customized, actionable business intelligence powered by DentaBase, our national multi-payer, fee-for-service claims database.

The company’s flexible, cutting-edge technology platform provides an enterprise-level suite of quality measurement, business forecasting, claim review and utilization management, provider profiling, fraud and abuse prevention and network development solutions to customers seeking to contain costs and maximize efficiency across their businesses.

The company’s customers can depend on the support of an industry-leading team of dentists, consultants and statisticians to focus on their unique challenges.

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FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay.