Product Focus

Matrix Systems

Directa Dental

The FenderMate flexible wing separates the teeth, pressing the matrix toward the cervical margin, avoiding overhang. Its optimal curvature and preshaped contact accommodate the most conservative Class II preparation; no ring is needed. With the facility to insert it lingually and/or buccally, the dentist can maintain a smaller, more conservative preparation, thus preserving healthy tooth structure and easily restoring a proper contact. For more information, call JS Dental Manufacturing at (800) 284-3368 or visit the Web sites or


Ultradent Products

The key to the V3 sectional matrix system is the Ni-Ti V3 Ring, which retains the matrix and uses optimal separation force to achieve predictably tight contacts. The ring’s V-shaped tines accommodate the Wave-Wedge, and the tine’s shape prevents the ring from collapsing into large cavities. The V3 Tab-Matrices, with their rolled marginal ridge and S-shaped vertical contour, recreate the proximal anatomy, so there is less finishing. The wedge provides an excellent seal on the gingival margin. For more information, call (800) 552-5512 or visit


Contact Perfect

Arnel Dental has recently introduced the MOD Solution to work in companion with the MO/DO band. It also is a Tofflemire-like matrix, having dual, opposing windows that eliminate the need for excessive tooth separation and allow for resin displacement to achieve predictable, contoured Class II contacts every time. Exposed windows ensure complete cure with bulk-filled resins. Full coverage of the tooth allows for simultaneous cusp buildup or replacement. Its simple armamentarium includes a Tofflemire-like retainer, condensing instrument, and a molar or bicuspid MOD band. For more information, call (877) 239-2840, visit the Web site, or e-mail


Garrison Dental Solutions

The Composi-Tight 3D XR Sectional Matrix System is an ultraretentive matrix ring designed for use with short or malpositioned teeth, including areas between the canine and first bicuspid. The enhanced, Soft Face silicone ensures true matrix band adaptation, which reduces both flash and finishing time while improving contacts. The dynamic tip angle allows for proper tip alignment with the buccal and lingual surfaces for precise adaptation. While the ring was designed for use with difficult dentition, it also works well with standard height teeth. For more information, call (888) 437-0032 or visit the Web site



LumiContrast incorporates parameters like light and contrast to offer one of the best solutions for your eyes. Thanks to the mat surface, this sectional matrix is characterized by a low reflection with consequently no blinding effect. Moreover, a high contrast between dark colors and white teeth is given. The innovative matrix coloration cannot be scratched away, and no particles can scatter into the filling material. LumiContrast is an absolute must-have when working with modern technologies with intense light sources like loupes and microscopes. For more information, visit or send e-mail to



Palodent Plus offers wide applications for sectional matrix system use and consistently delivers predictable, accurate contacts. This new system includes a molar and premolar ring, 4 different- sized matrices, and new wedges and WedgeGuards. The rings offer consistent separation force and are made of Ni-Ti, which ensures they will last longer than traditional stainless steel rings. The tines on the rings help to provide excellent retention on the tooth, and the system seals the restoration to minimize the amount of finishing required. For more information, call (800) 532-2855 or visit


Danville Materials

The Mega Ring system offers many advantages aside from a value price. The wide tines span a wide prep and converging tines prevent pop-offs. Inclined hoops allow easy stacking. The ring is designed to resist deformation. It is made of a very special alloy. The profile of the hoop spreads the stress over more of the hoop. Contact Matrix matrices are ultrathin yet are made of a springy alloy to resist crumpling. For more information, call (800) 827-7940 or visit


PinkBand Dental Solutions

PinkBand is an innovative, rubberized silicone-coated dental matrix band with a European patent and a US patent pending. It was evaluated by 27 independent dental consultants who placed 497 composite restorations in patients and concluded there was significantly improved moisture control over standard and sectional matrix bands. The improved moisture control saves time, reduces recurrent decay, and improves bond strength of composite restorations. The bands are available in regular and ultrathin. For more information, call (800) 522-0800 or visit



These retainerless matrix bands can be used for a variety of molar restoration procedures. Matrices are preformed into 15 different loop sizes and are easily placed without the use of rings or retainers. You can slide the loop over the tooth, wedge if necessary, perform your procedure, and then dispose. Matrices are made from 0.0015-in stainless steel—strong enough for any matrix procedure yet flexible enough to conform to any tooth anatomy. For more information, call (800) 854-7949 or visit


Greater Curve Dental

The versatility of the copyrighted Greater Curve technique will amaze you. So simple, it’s a wonder G.V. Black did not think of it. It has a fast setup with complete isolation for Class II, III, and IV composites. No wedging and/or separating springs are needed. You can bridge wide-open embrasures effortlessly and restore anterior and posterior teeth with smooth, tight anatomical contacts. For more information, call (866) 493-3437 or visit



The metal-contoured matrix bands are a great value and offer an easy transition for those dentists who want to perform posterior restorations similar to amalgam. These Tofflemire-retained matrix bands are ultrathin, allowing for the development of more consistent contact areas in posterior dentition. They have been developed with just the right amount of rigidity to allow for easy placement. For more information, call (800) 621-6729 or