

With the introduction of Lava Esthetic Fluorescent Full-Contour Zirconia, clinicians and labs can now offer their patients strong, natural-looking restorations. It features unique, built-in color technology delivering an excellent shade match, and it is the first cubic zirconia to offer inherent, tooth-like fluorescence for all shades as well as a true color match with VITA Classic shades. Lava Esthetic zirconia delivers optimized translucency for aesthetic, full-contour crowns and 3-unit bridges at a strength of 800 MPa—higher than that of glass ceramics and other leading cubic zirconia materials—and a 2016 study has shown that restorations made of Lava Esthetic zirconia are wear-friendly against opposing enamel. 3M recommends RelyX 2 Unicem Self-Adhesive Resin Cement to use with Lava Esthetic zirconia because it combines high bond strength with ease of use and requires fewer steps without compromising reliability and aesthetics. For more information, visit 3m.com/lavaesthetic.