ALD to Offer Laser Training for DSOs


The Academy of Laser Dentistry (ALD) DSO Laser Training Program (DLTP) will include onsite training and certification program options for dental teams, “train the trainer” programs, and 24/7 web-based training and certification options. Participants also will receive special DSO Corporate Membership classification, DSO associate discounts on ALD annual memberships, and group discounts on ALD annual conference tuition.  

“The growth of DSOs and group practices are changing the face of dentistry. DLTP is fully aligned with ALD’s 28-year mission to promote laser adoption, proficiency, and safety throughout dentistry in any practice setting to ensure better patient outcomes,” said Gail Siminoivsky, CAE, ALD executive director.

“When it comes to laser dentistry, the ALD can help address challenges currently facing rapidly growing group practices and DSOs including unbiased laser wavelength recommendations, laser proficiency standardization across the organization, and new associate onboarding,” said Siminovsky. 

For a copy of the DLTP opportunity chart, email with “Laser DSO” in the subject line. Or, email ALD president and DSO committee chair Dr. Mel Burchman at

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