Algorithm Compensates for Patient Movement in 3-D Scanning


When patients move, dental personnel can’t get good images. Dentists often need to take several 3-D x-ray scans just to get a single quality image. Children, the elderly, and other patients with special needs also may have difficulties in sitting still. Repeated attempts at taking an image lead to longer exam times, greater discomfort for the patient, and additional exposure to radiation. 

Planmeca’s Correction Algorithm for Latent Movement (CALM) addresses patient movement during 3-D scans. With it, Planmeca’s CBCTs can analyze and compensate for the slight movement that can occur during a scan to provide improved diagnostic images. Available with new Planmeca ProMax 3-D imaging systems and as an upgrade for existing systems, it is designed to streamline imaging, minimizing retakes while improving diagnosis.

The CALM algorithm works with all volume and voxel sizes. It only adds 30 to 60 seconds to the overall reconstruction time. It can be applied after an image has been captured, but it also can be selected preventively before exposures, ensuring volumes are automatically corrected before they are accessed in the Planmeca Romexis software.

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