Apex Locator Receives Major Circuitry Upgrades

MedicNRG USA’s Rider S3+ has replaced and surpassed the Rider S3, due to its major circuitry upgrades, according to the company. These updates provide increased precision and reliability in all canal fluids and conditions, MedicNRG says, even with a rotary handpiece. The Rider S3+ is the only EAL usable on your tray or mounted on your handpiece, the company says, using a patented algorithm with digital circuitry (DSP), resulting in ultrafast, automatic feedback. No other handpiece matches its 12 feedbacks per second, which is four times faster than any other unit, MedicNRG reports. While other handpieces use analog technology with a fixed measurement current, DSP automatically and continuously adjusts the current for changes in canal conditions. It also eliminates false readings, prevents perforations that occur with slower processing, and results in the 0.1-mm accuracy. Canal treatment time is reduced about 30% with better preparations due to continuous use of NiTi files to apical constriction. 

For more information, call MedicNRG USA at (888) 429-0240 or visit medicnrgusa.com.

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