Apex Locator’s Digital Circuitry Enables Greater Precision

Medic NRG USA’s Rider S-3 Apex Locator performs with a precision of 0.1 mm, not 0.5 to 1.5 mm like others. Its unique digital circuitry is designed to eliminate frustrating, time-wasting sporadic false readings that occur in units utilizing obsolete analog circuitry.

Clinicians can use it either in the conventional way—sitting on the tray—or by mounting it on the user’s current handpiece. Users, then, can obtain continuous readings of the file position as it advances toward the apex and avoid the significant time required to stop and check x-rays to avoid possible perforation. Instead, the file can be moved directly to the apex or to any desired position short of the apex without fear of perforation.

The Rider S-3’s digital signal processor never needs calibration. Instead of using less precise analog circuitry based on a fixed average value for all conditions, the Rider’s software automatically adjusts the measuring current for the actual conditions in the canal. Among its additional features is a ­30% increased battery life—up to 700 procedures on a single lithium battery. 

For more information, call Dr. Farber, Medic NRG USA, at (800) 429-0240 or visit medicnrgusa.com.    

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