Basic Prosthetic Steps

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video techniques from some of the top clinicians in dentistry.

Michael Tischler, DDS, of Woodstock, NY, provides the basic steps for the Prettau Zirconia Implant Bridge. Watch this video and learn about the makeup of this CAD/CAM-milled screw-retained bridge for dental implants. It is impervious to chipping, staining, and wear, and there is no acrylic involved. Dr. Tischler reviews the unique characteristics of the Prettau implant and then describes each of the 6 basic steps with photos, including before-and-after images.


Dr. Michael Tischler, DDS

Dr. Tischler received a doctor of dental surgery degree from the Georgetown University School of Dentistry in Washington, DC, before joining Tischler Dental in 1989. One of only 300 dentists worldwide who has been credentialed by the American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry, he is also the director of Implant Education for Microdental Laboratory. Dr. Tischler brings dental implant, bone grafting, and gum surgery experience to the dental practice in addition to prosthetic and cosmetic makeover dental procedures. He has placed and restored thousands of dental implants with a documented success rate of more than 99%. Lecturing throughout the country to his colleagues, Dr. Tischler also conducts hands-on courses in his office on a regular basis as well as many corporate-sponsored courses. Having published many articles on the principles of implant dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and bone grafting in major dental journals, he is also on the Editorial Advisory Board for The Journal of Implant and Advanced Clinical Dentistry. Since 2003, Dentistry Today has listed him as one of the leaders in continuing education.


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