Bioactive Materials Use Bioglass to Promote Long-Term Restorations


Apex Dental MaterialsRE-GEN suite of bioactive materials includes a flowable composite, bulk fill and resin cement, pit and fissure sealants, and the world’s first bioactive universal and self-etch adhesives, according to the company. RE-GEN uses Bioglass as an active ingredient to form a hydroxyapatite-like surface layer after being in contact with tooth and biological fluids, promoting a regenerative process and a stable, long-term restoration, Apex says.

The unique blend of ingredients in the RE-GEN family provides a restoration that is osteogenic, antimicrobial, biocompatible, and BPA-free, the company reports. Current bioactive materials are limited in their ability to provide the functional ions to the compromised tooth because the tooth has been sealed with an adhesive, Apex adds.

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