Bioactive Restorative Material Helps Maintain Oral Heath


Pulpdent’s ACTIVA BioACTIVE-RESTORATIVE is the first in a new generation of aesthetic, durable, bioactive restorative materials that play an active role in maintaining oral health with release and recharge of significant amounts of calcium, phosphate, and fluoride, according to the company. ACTIVA is a smart material that responds to pH cycles with release and recharge of its mineral components, Pulpdent says. It helps stimulate formation of a connective layer of mineral apatite that is the defining requirement of bioactive materials. This process is designed to knit the restoration and the tooth together, penetrate and fill microgaps, reduce sensitivity, guard against secondary caries, and seal margins against microleakage and failure. ACTIVA BioACTIVE-RESTORATIVE is moisture-friendly and has a rubberized resin that resists chipping and wear, Pulpdent reports. The material contains no Bisphenol A, no Bis-GMA, and no BPA derivatives.

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