Bone Grafting Plugs Preserve Sockets


Impladent Ltd’s OsteoGen Bone Grafting Plug is designed to be an easy and affordable solution for socket preservation. Place the plug into extraction sites and suture over the top. No membrane is required. The combination of calcium phosphate and collagen creates a structure that mimics the organic and inorganic components of physiologic bone. After a thorough debridement, deliver the plug dry and let it soak up the patient’s blood. Condense it slightly below the soft tissue and suture over top to keep it in place. There is no need to use a separate membrane to contain the graft. The OsteoGen Bone Grafting Plug will appear radiolucent on the day of placement and radiopaque in 3 to 5 months after it has been replaced with host bone. It will then be ready for implant placement.

For more information, call (800) 526-9343 or visit

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