Bulk-Fill Composite Eliminates Need for Additional Materials


VOCO’s VisCalor bulk thermo-viscous bulk-fill composite offers a new two-in-one technology, according to the company. Once warmed, it delivers the viscosity of a flowable and then rapidly cools to body temperature once placed, allowing for the immediate sculptability of a packable, VOCO said.

With an 83% fill rate by weight and a 4-mm depth of cure, VisCalor bulk saves time by eliminating procedural steps and the need for additional materials used as a restorative base, liner, or occlusal capping layer, effectively making VisCalor bulk two restoratives in one, according to the company.

Previously, clinicians have used heat to soften the consistency of a composite, but they were not able to totally transform its viscosity to the consistency of a flowable. VOCO’s Thermo-viscous Technology changes this, the company said.

VisCalor bulk’s unique formulation is based on an entirely new monomer system and special silane coating of its glass fillers, Voco said. This combined modification, along with a new capsule design that is optimized for heat transfer, results in a unique, yet intentional behavior of the restorative when warmed, the company said.

For more information, call (888) 658-2584, visit vocoamerica.com, or email infousa@voco.com.

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