New enhancements to the CS 3600 intraoral scanner’s acquisition software take the technology from smart to genius. Intelligent scanning features—color-coding to indicate gaps in the data set and guide arrows that show the ideal direction for a rescan—deliver helpful feedback to improve scans in real time. In restoration mode, users are alerted to possible undercuts, have the ability to lock retracted gingival to avoid collapse, and can take measurements around the arch. The updated implant-borne restorative workflow includes the new scanbody area selection tool that allows users to select the region around the scanbody to prevent an image mismatch. New for the orthodontic workflow is the ability to use the CS 3600 to capture HD 2-D intraoral quadrant snapshots, which can be extracted from the digital impression for the patient’s file. All 3 workflows feature color-coded occlusion mapping.For more information, call (800) 944-6365 or visit