Composite Achieves 92% Rating in Clinical Study


As part of an objective clinical study conducted by the Dental Advisor with 30 clinical evaluators and 787 total uses, Shofu Dental Corporation’s FIT SA nano-hybrid bioactive self-adhesive flowable composite achieved a 92% (4.5+) rating. Also, 97% of the consultants in the study said they would recommend the product to a colleague.

FIT SA eliminates the need for the technique-sensitive bonding procedure, Shofu said. The composite is designed for use as a liner and in small Class I (PRR), Class III, Class V, and other non-load-bearing restorations. Its unique chemistry is BPA-free and provides a chemical bond as well as resin tag infiltration, the company said.

Additionally, FIT SA is designed to offer superior strength and polishability. Its unique filter structure combines the light transmission and diffusion properties of both dentin and enamel to blend with the surrounding dentition, Shofu said. One Dental Advisor evaluator called it “a more efficient system.”

Shofu’s exclusive bioactive Giomer Technology enables FIT SA to release and recharge six beneficial ions for the life of the restoration, according to the company. These therapeutic ions inhibit plaque, neutralize acid, and eliminate secondary decay, Shofu said.

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