Composite Designed With Viscosity, Handling, and Adaptation in Mind

G-aenial BULK Injectable from GC America is an injectable, high-strength nanoparticle composite with ideal viscosity, handling, and adaptation characteristics that may be used as a one-step application for bulk-filling up to the occlusal surface (up to 4 mm) without the need for capping or veneering with another composite, the company reports.

The homogeneously dispersed nanoparticle formula is designed to provide high flexural strength and wear resistance for a durable and long-lasting restoration that retains its gloss for many years after placement. It is highly shapeable and easy to manipulate yet provides superb adaptation to the cavity for reduced occurrence of porosities and air bubbles, which can compromise marginal integrity, according to GC America.

G-aenial BULK Injectable stays where one puts it and will not stick to the instrument. It provides an easy, time-saving, one-step solution for filling a larger cavity that will look as great as it did the day it was placed, at each recall, the company says.

For more information, call GC America at (800) 323-7063 or visit

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