Composite Suits Deep Cavity Preparations


Bisco Dental ProductsTheraCal LC radiopaque, light-curable flowable composite includes “apatite-stimulating” calcium silicates to protect and stimulate pulpal and dentin repair. It is the ideal replacement for calcium hydroxide, glass ionomer-based, or RMGI materials due to its excellent handling, ease of placement, and enhanced regenerative properties, the company reports.

TheraCal LC performs as a barrier and protectant of the dental pulpal complex. With high physical properties and low solubility immediately following light-cure, TheraCal LC is ideally suited for all deep cavity preparations, Bisco says. A 20-second light-cure and its ability to be syringed directly onto the preparation and pulp without premixing or the need for any additional activators facilitate ease of placement, according to the company. The proprietary hydrophilic resin formulation is designed to create a stable and durable liner. Following placement of TheraCal LC, the final restorative may be placed immediately. 

For more information, call Bisco Dental Products at (800) 247-3368 or visit

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