Composite System Fills Cavities in Seconds


KaVo Kerr’s SonicFill 3 SingleFill Composite System is designed to fill cavities in seconds. It fills cavities up to 5 mm in depth in a single increment without a liner or capping layer, KaVo Kerr says. Its nanoscale zirconsil (zirconium oxide + silica oxide) filler system provides effective blending, wear resistance, strength, and reliability for lasting restorations, the company says.

Non-sticky and slump-free, the SonicFil 3 SingleFill Composite System also is the only sonic-activated bulk fill composite that acts both as a flowable composite during placement and as a sculptable material after the sonic energy is removed, increasing the speed and efficiency of restorative procedures, KaVo Kerr says.

“Simply put, SonicFill will allow you to become extremely efficiency, increase your speed, and deliver improved adaptation and lasting marginal integrity for predictable outcomes,” said Philip Chahine, DMD. “It’s a win-win for everyone involved.” 

“The implementation of SonicFill bulk fill composite in my day-to-day patient care has met the need for placing posterior composite restorations that are completed in a quarter of the time of conventional layered composites,” said Scott Coleman, DDS.

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