Composite Warming System Improves Efficiency and Outcomes

The Phasor composite warming system from Vista Dental Products uses near-infrared technology to rapidly warm highly filled composite compules. With the touch of a button, the company says, the Phasor can heat composite material to 150°F in seconds and maintain that temperature throughout the procedure while remaining cool to the touch.

This technique provides the benefits of bulk fill, highly filled, and flowable composite in one, according to Vista. Also, warming composite significantly lowers the viscosity of the material for better adaptation, reduced voids and microleakage, and improved depth of cure, the company says. Materials remain highly sculptable, non-sticky, and easily shaped during manipulation, Vista adds.

Ulinke other devices, the company notes, Phasor is not limited to a single brand of composite, making the device extremely versatile not only in quick posterior bulk fills but also in traditional incremental layering techniques in aesthetic regions. Plus, the better placement and handling of composites that the Phasor provides decreases procedure time, Vista says.

Furthermore, preheating increases composite microhardness. Phasor also is safe and does not damage pulp tissue or cause discomfort. And, the reductions in voids and microleakage reduce the chance of secondary caries and improve outcomes. 

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