Dentsply Sirona Purchases OraCheck and Updates Software Packages

Dentsply Sirona has signed an agreement to acquire OraCheck. With OraCheck 5.0, Dentsply Sirona says, it will be able to offer patient monitoring before, during, and after treatment. Also, the updated Connect Software 5.1 now offers more digitally feasible treatment options, especially for orthodontics and implant dentistry, the company says. Plus, CEREC SW 5.1 is designed to bring the performance upgrade of CEREC generation 5 to existing CEREC Omnicam units. All software updates will be available in October. 

The acquisition of OraCheck and applicable updates of its software will enable Dentsply Sirona to provide a valuable tool for patient analysis, according to Dentsply Sirona. OraCheck offers advanced software and supplements conventional assessment with valuable three-dimensional information developed for dental professionals to register and illustrate changes in the patient’s mouth, the companies report, adding that it is a key tool to analyze and follow up examination. A comparison of the most recently scanned image with a previous image facilitates precise assessment of changes, Dentsply Sirona says.

The new generation of OraCheck is available for all scanners and carts running with the new Software Generation 5 of CEREC SW, Connect SW, and CEREC Ortho 2.1. All software updates represent a new design and an upgraded, more user-friendly and intelligent interface, Dentsply Sirona says. Generation 5 SW runs on all Primescan and Omnicam systems and requires Windows 10. Depending on the hardware model, an upgrade may be required.

“We are fulfilling an explicit request from customers and providing added value for dentists,” said Dr. Alexander Völcker, group vice president CAD/CAM and orthodontics at Dentsply Sirona. “We’re realizing our idea that any dental workflow should start with an intraoral scan.”

In conjunction with a digital optical impression system, OraCheck is designed to visualize a three-dimensional change on virtual optical scans on the computer. The changes could include movement, tilting, and geometric changes to the surface. Depending on the clinical situation as interpreted by the dental professional, these changes could be a hint for abrasion, swelling, recession, plaque buildup, and change of tooth position.

The updated Connect SW 5.1 enables a guided scan with Omnicam and more accurate results when scanning the whole jaw compared to software generation 4. It now offers expanded scan options for aligners, splints, and individual impression trays as well as improvements of scan quality for Primescan and Omnicam. For new customers, Connect Software 5.1 is supplied with every intraoral scanner. 

The updated CEREC Software 5.1 for fabricating chairside restorations has undergone numerous enhancements, Dentsply Sirona says. The calculation of the 3-D model and the quality of the proposals for the restorations benefit from the precise scans of the Omnicam in combination with the CEREC SW 5.1, the company notes. Automatic artifact removal and artificial intelligence-based algorithms, already introduced in CEREC 5.0, will find their way into the previous generation CEREC AC. The ability to export STL files is always part of the software now. 

“With Primescan, we took a huge step towards speed, accuracy, and ease of use,” said Völcker. “With this new software generation, we have taken a further step in digital workflows. The indications have become more extensive, and clinical success can also be ensured in the long term through monitoring.” 

Due to different approval and registration times, not all technologies and products will be immediately available in all countries.

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