Desensitizer Provides Immediate Relief with a 30-Second Application


Sensitive patients can get immediate relief from painful cold stimuli with a 30-second treatment of Parkell’s Pain-Free Gel. With thick consistency that doesn’t run off the tooth, the gel is designed to provide precise pinpoint placement for desensitizing results exactly where they are needed. 

Also, the Pain-Free Gel doesn’t require acid-etching dentin, and patients don’t need to be anesthetized, which can lower their pain threshold and make the pain worse. It seals the tooth’s open dentinal tubules with a unique tripolymer formulation that penetrates deep down the sidewalls and grafts the molecules tightly to the calcium in the hydroxyapatite. This network of polymer chains creates a durable barrier to the movement of fluid, which is a known cause of tooth hypersensitivity.

A Pain-Free Gel kit Includes two 3-mL syringes of gel, 20 needle-nose intraoral applicator tips, and instructions. For more information or to order, call Parkell at (800) 243-7446 or visit

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