Device Instantly Diagnoses Suspicious Occlusal Lesions


Sponsored Editorial

The Ortek ECD was specifically designed to instantly detect occlusal cavitated lesions at the earliest possible stages, helping solve a major diagnostic challenge for dental professionals while creating a valuable new profit center.

Unlike other caries detection systems, the revolutionary ECD measures the conductivity of enamel. The ECD accurately detects if these prevalent lesions have initially breached the dentin-enamel junction, advanced and progressed further into the dentin, or are confined to the enamel.

The ECD was developed and clinically tested at Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine. In a published, peer-reviewed study, the ECD demonstrated 100% sensitivity and 93% specificity.

“Early caries detection helps conserve tooth structure, resulting in better patient outcomes,” said Mitch Goldberg, president of Ortek. “For the practitioner, the ECD will create a new revenue stream with a rapid return on investment.”

Fast and easy to use, the ECD instantly displays a quantitative digital caries score depending on the extent of decay into the dentin. A zero score indicates a non-cavitated occlusal lesion or a sound enamel site.

Ortek has extended the $650 ECD launch special due to the COVID-19 disruptions. For more information visit or call (888) 323-0023.