Free Ebook Outlines Strategies for Landing New Patients

Dentistry Today


Success often begins at the front desk as your staff fields calls from potential patients. How to Turn Your Front Office Staff Into a Goldmine, a free ebook from Adam Zilko, offers strategies that promise to improve communication and increase new patient bookings—in the case of one practice that used them, increase such bookings by 61%.

These strategies include hiring practices to use to attract the right front office staff members as well as phone scripts that prepare your staff to answer any patient question or difficult situation, such as: 

  • Greetings and basics
  • How to book on the first call consistently
  • How to build rapport to differentiate your practice from your competition
  • How to follow up successfully with the caller after initial contact
  • How to put someone on hold
  • How to keep the caller engaged during the call

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