Garrison Dental Solution – Sectional Matrix System


The Composi-Tight 3D Fusion Sectional Matrix System is engineered to successfully complete a wider variety of Class II composite restorations. This comprehensive kit includes 3 varieties of separator rings, 5 sizes of matrix bands, 4 sizes of interproximal wedges, and a ring placement forceps. It is indicated for use in posterior Class II MO/DO, MOD, and wide-preparation restorations. The new Composi-Tight 3D Fusion system draws on Garrison’s more than 20 years of sectional matrix leadership to produce its most comprehensive and easy-to-use system. The 3-ring system comprises a short (blue), tall (orange), and dentistry’s first wide preparation (green) separator rings. All 3 incorporate Garrison’s exclusive, Soft-Face silicone tips for flash reduction and Ultra-Grip retention extensions that eliminate ring “spring-off.”For more information, call (888) 437-0032 or visit