Great Lakes Orthodontics – Occlusal Appliance


The Rhea Occlusal Appliance is the solution to poor-fitting, uncomfortable splints. It is fabricated with material unlike any other heat-softening material on the market, and uses an innovative manufacturing process to provide exceptional fit, retention, and patient comfort. Rhea combines the accuracy of a laboratory-made splint with the ease of a boil and bite appliance. Rather than simply softening to temporarily engage undercuts, the Rhea appliance will actually reform to subtle differences in the patient’s dentition and compensate for slight inaccuracies in impressions and the deformities caused by plaster expansion. Rhea Occlusal Appliances are custom-formed to original models and, as a result, chair-side seating is only necessary to fine-tune the fit and adjust for minor
variations. It is available as a wearguard, flat occlusal plane or full contact with anterior guidance splint. For more information, call (800) 828-7626.