Hand Scalers Enhance Ultrasonic and AIRFLOW Effectiveness


The Hu-Friedy Empowerment Kit hand scalers are designed specifically to enhance the effectiveness of Ultrasonic and AIRFLOW treatment protocols to deliver optimal clinical outcomes.


Different power therapies are becoming an increasingly popular method for calculus removal, according to Hu-Friedy, but hand scaling remains necessary as a final step to ensure the complete and effective removal of calculus from all tooth surfaces.


The Empowerment Kit is a set of uniquely designed instruments that are optimized for detection and removal of residual calculus from hard-to-reach interproximal and subgingival areas, the company said. It is the first set of instruments designed to specifically support ultrasonic scaling and AIRFLOW.


The Empowerment scalers feature blades that are on average 10% thinner, with the clinically proven sharp cutting edge of EverEdge 2.0, facilitating easier access to subgingival and interproximal surfaces of the tooth, Hu-Friedy said.


For more information, visit hu-friedy.com/empowermentkit.


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