Hu-Friedy Announces Subscription Scaler Sharpening Service

Dental scalers and curettes that lose their sharp edges can strain the joints and muscles of hygienists, increase patient discomfort, and complicate calculus removal, Hu-Friedy says, as dental practices often fall behind their instrument sharpening schedule. Plus, according to Hu-Friedy, the cost of one hygienist spending one hour sharpening instruments per week can cost a practice as much as $11,650 per year. Now, the company has launched EverCare, a subscription-based scaler sharpening service for dental professionals. 

“Hygienists are being asked to do more for their patients in less time. As the daily responsibilities of hygienists just keep piling up, they are also expected to find time to sharpen their instruments. And yet sharp instruments are of critical importance for dental practices,” said Stacie Barth, senior director, Global Strategic Business Unit, Periodontal and Diagnostics, at Hu-Friedy.

“We created EverCare to give hygienists their time back and to help dental practices deliver better care and become more profitable by improving efficiency. Our innovations in the areas of metallurgy and scaler manufacturing with EverEdge have developed a product that stays sharper longer. Even with these advancements, it remains important for clinicians to sharpen their instruments to improve performance and gain the added benefit of extending their useful life.”

Practices can join EverCare online and choose among six flexible membership levels, including pay as you go and all-inclusive options. Submitting a request takes minutes, and shipping is fast and free, with a turnaround time of three and a half days once the instruments are received, Hu-Friedy says. The company’s artisans have an average of 30 years of sharpening experience. Real-time status updates keep practices informed of what exactly is happening with their instruments as well.

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