HVE Adapter Helps Remove High Percentage of Infectious Aerosols


Ascentcare Dental ProductsVacuLUX Illuminated HVE Adapter for isolation mouthpieces helps to remove 90% of infectious aerosols, according to the company. Designed to be simple, portable, and affordable, the adapter also was designed to solve problems associated with other high-performance isolation systems while reducing bioaerosols produced during routine procedures.

The VacuLUX adapter reduces aerosols without the complicated installation of costly equipment as well, the company said. It attaches to any existing HVE valve at any dental chair in a clinic. Simply plug in the adapter and attach it to the mouthpiece for easy isolation and proper HVE suction, according to Ascentcare Dental Products.

As clinicians increase their efforts to avoid cross contamination, the VacuLUX’s one-piece design makes daily sterilization easy and quick, the company said. Other HVE adapters consume time with complicated disassembly and reassembly for sterilization, Ascentcare said. Unlike the degradable plastic design of other adapters, the VacuLUX’s aluminum design will withstand daily autoclave needs without costly replacement over time, according to the company.

For more information, call (616) 843-4900 or visit ascentcaredental.com.

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