Imaging System Boasts Computing Power and Elegant Design

Align Technology’s iTero Element 5D Plus imaging system in cart configuration is designed to improve the practice and patient experience with state-of-the-art computing power, elegant design, and ergonomics. Enhanced, more detailed visualizations with wider viewing angles provide an unmatched patient experience, Align Technology said, and powerful computing advances enable a smoother and more intuitive scanning experience.

The system is ergonomically designed to conform to how practices scan. The integrated intraoral camera eliminates the need for a second device while enhancing patient experience and communication, according to the company. Near infrared technology (NIRI) aids in diagnosis and monitoring of interproximal carious lesions above the gingiva. The iTero Element 5D Plus imaging system is designed to take patient experience and practice productivity to the next level, helping to grow practices while making workflows easier.

For more information, call (800) 577-8767 or visit

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