Impression Scanner Brings Digital Tech to Familiar Protocols

The Dental Wings iSeries Dental Impression Scanner allows dentists to go digital without changing their familiar impression-taking protocol while gaining access to a world of restorative opportunities normally associated with intraoral scanning. Likewise, laboratories can benefit from important workflow efficiencies and precision with in-lab impression scanning.

The technology was designed to address the varied constraints encountered when scanning impressions, including cases with deep narrow pockets frequently found with lower anteriors. The scanner features a powerful computer, according to the company, along with 2 on-board measuring cameras at complementary angles, 5 axes of movement, and a live video camera for previews.

Additionally, the iSeries integrates seamlessly with the DWOS Chairside CAD Software, which enables users to review and edit scans. The software also features scan alignment reviews and cleanings, automated proposals, design tools, and nesting and machining. Its .stl output can be used with any open in-office mill. And, dentists can specify customized material parameters for quality restorations.

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