Instrument Simplifies Crown Fittings

Microcopy’s Proxi-Chek single-use articulation instrument is designed to simplify crown fitting by accurately marking contacts for adjustment, ensuring complete marginal seating, maximizing efficiency, and leading to more predictable results. Its unique, one-of-a-kind handle and articulation film makes marking interproximal contacts in all locations of the mouth extremely easy, Microcopy says. In addition, the easy grip handle is bendable, allowing the user to reach proximal contacts, according to the company.

The current process when fitting a crown can be time consuming and inaccurate and/or expensive, reports Microcopy, which saw a need in the marketplace for an articulation tool that is easy to use, marks accurately, and, as a result, eliminates the guesswork of where to adjust the crown. The result is the contacts can be broad and precise, making it easier to seat the crown completely, all in less time, the company says. Proxi-Chek is designed for economy, saving time and reducing rates of repeat procedures.

For more information, call Microcopy at (800) 235-1863 or visit

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