Lab Scanners Offer Customizable Workflow and Flexibility

Medit’s T710, T510, and T310 open-system laboratory scanners offer upgraded performance and a fully customizable workflow at a low price to provide dental labs flexibility to simplify their work, according to the company.

The T710 features four 5.0-Mpixel cameras positioned to ensure there are blind spots in the data even after a single scan, Medit said. It also scans full arches in 8 seconds with 4-µm accuracy. It can be used for all indications, including implant cases, impressions, and replica dentures. Its flexible multi-die function provides maximum compatibility as well, Medit said.

Meanwhile, the T510 and T310 feature two 5.0-Mpixel cameras each. The T510 scans a full arch in 12 seconds with 7-µm accuracy, and the T310 scans a full arch in 18 seconds with 9-µm accuracy. 

“When it comes to scanner performance and compatibility, closed systems and limitations have long been detrimental to the efficiency of dental labs,” said GB Ko, CEO of Medit. “Our team developed the scanners with the needs of technicians in mind, ensuring the new models enhance their capacity and overall productivity.”

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